Day 4: Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good

Welcome to day 4 of #30daystobetter.

I'm a writer at heart and have the Communications degree to show for it. But my job has increasingly moved toward project management and away from anything resembling creativity.

So I've been saying for years that I was going to start a blog to share thoughts, feelings, wins, losses, etc. I've started and stopped more times than I can count. And each time I was so critical and set it aside. Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months. And months turned into years.

But I finally decided to do as Voltaire said and as Gretchen Rubin shared in her wonderful book "The Happiness Project."

"Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good."

And so here is my blog. It's a start and it can grow and get better. But I did it! It doesn't need to be perfect. And what have I gained by letting go of the need to have it be perfect?

  • A creative outlet
  • A way to communicate with friends and potential friends
  • The ability to share my journey which could result in helping others
What have you been putting off because of your worry that it wouldn't be perfect?


  1. Love this! Thank you for sharing yoir journey to a peaceful and happy life. You are such an inspiration to me!


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